Many integration companies struggle with the inefficiencies of relying on multiple systems to run their business: CRM, quoting, proposal generation, project management (planning and tracking schedules and resources), purchasing, inventory, service contracts and dispatch, accounting (invoicing and accounts payable), etc.
Why is this session important?
This structure requires a lot of administrative effort to collate and correlate disparate data into timely and meaningful information for management reporting and decision making.the goal will be simple; to clearly define and articulate ‘how, how much, and what’ each product offers when weighed against the company’s specific operational goals. Begin with the number of necessary query categories such as; the number of required platform modules, i.e. accounting, production, inventory, distribution, etc; depth of customer support, i.e. direct, voice-only, online-only, all the above; depth of warranty, price model. final judgments relating to the purchase of an ERP platform should be defined by business management, not representatives of the IT community.